Loans of vacuum biopsy systems and a framework agreement for the accompanying consumables for Helse Bergen and Helse Stavanger. | 3.02.2025 |
Prior information notice: Procedure packages Radiology, for the health companies in Helse Sør-Øst, Helse Midt-Norway and Helse Nord. | 31.01.2025 |
Intention notice: STAN consumables for Helse Bergen HF and Helse Stavanger HF. | 30.01.2025 |
Instruments for clinical chemistry and immune chemistry for Odda hospital, Helse Fonna HF | 29.01.2025 |
Set of covers and surgical coverings for the health authorities in Helse Nord | 27.01.2025 |
Competition: Sutures, stapling machines and disposable laparoscopic equipment for the health companies in The South-East Health Authority. | 27.01.2025 |
Incontinence products - Maternity pads, instillation catheters and dilatation catheters - for the health trusts in Norway | 24.01.2025 |
Prior information notice 2: Radiological consumables for the health companies in Helse Sør-Øst, Helse Midt-Norway and Helse Nord. | 24.01.2025 |
Procedure packages for the health authorities in Helse Midt-Norway | 22.01.2025 |
Intention notice: Transfer adaptor for hooded glass and infusion containers from B Braun AS. | 22.01.2025 |
Market survey - Chapter electrophoresis | 22.01.2025 |
Contract announcement - EWS monitors for Sørlandet Hospital. | 22.01.2025 |
Intention notice: Subcutaneous infusion sets for continuous subcutaneous drug delivery | 21.01.2025 |
Intention notice: CTG apparatus with ST analysis configuration for OUS HF and Østfold Hospital. | 21.01.2025 |
Anaesthesia products for the health companies connected to Helse Nord | 21.01.2025 |
Contract award: Lung function equipment for the University Hospital of North Norway Health Trust. | 21.01.2025 |
Contract award - Angio intervention laboratory, monoplane and biplane, The University Hospital of North Norway Health Trust. | 21.01.2025 |
CT machine for the Radiological Department at Helse Bergen HF (Prequalification). | 20.01.2025 |
Gauze masks type IIR for a national stand-by warehouse in Norway | 20.01.2025 |
Prior information notice: Hazardous waste disposal containers for the health authorities in Norway | 17.01.2025 |
Audiometer, tympanometer and REM for Helse Bergen HF | 15.01.2025 |
Prior information notice: Diathermy consumables for the hospitals in Helse Sør-Øst | 14.01.2025 |
Contract award: QA systems (equipment and software) for radiotherapy to Vestre Viken HF | 13.01.2025 |
Contract award: Surgical helmets with accessories for the health authorities in Helse Sør-Øst and Helse Midt-Norway | 9.01.2025 |
Market dialogue Framework agreement, capsule dose copy for Helse Midt-Norway | 9.01.2025 |
Competition: Treatment aids for gender insufficiency for the health authorities in Norway | 9.01.2025 |
Competition: Vacuum drainage, fluted and non-flutet drains and open silicone drains (Penrose) for Helse Midt-Norway and Helse Sør-Øst | 7.01.2025 |
Competition: Urology products for the hospitals in Helse Sør-Øst | 6.01.2025 |
Prior information notice: Subcutaneous infusion sets for the administration of medicines. | 6.01.2025 |
Cellsaver for Helse Bergen HF | 6.01.2025 |
Equipment for indirect calorimetry for Helse Stavanger HF | 31.12.2024 |
Invitation to market dialogue PET/CT to St. Olavs Hospital | 31.12.2024 |
Portable ultra-low field MR for Helse Stavanger HF | 31.12.2024 |
Competition: Hernia mesh and fixation for the hospitals in Helse Sør-Øst (the south-east healthregion) | 30.12.2024 |
Competition: Hemostasis products for the hospitals in Helse Sør-Øst (the south-east health region) | 30.12.2024 |
Endoscope washing machine for Akershus University Hospital. | 24.12.2024 |
Instrument dependent consumables for Ulrich contrast injectors in Helse Vest RHF - Contract signing with Infiniti Medical AS | 23.12.2024 |
Utsædsinstrument for Sykehuset Innlandet HF | 20.12.2024 |
Hygiene products - infection protection for the health authorities in Norway | 20.12.2024 |
Hygiene products - infection protection for the health authorities in Norway | 20.12.2024 |
Intention notice: Spray rack for Helse Stavanger HF | 20.12.2024 |
Contract award: Blood type instrument for Helse Stavanger HF | 20.12.2024 |
Prior information notice: Cannulas and catheters for epidural, spinal and regional anaesthesia and washing sets for the health authorities in Helse Vest. | 19.12.2024 |
Prior information notice, hygiene products, disinfectants and dispenser products for the health companies in Norway | 19.12.2024 |
Intention notice: Closed system for the collection, storage, testing and distribution of breast milk. | 19.12.2024 |
Contract award: Exhaust cupboards and safety benches for Oslo University Hospital. | 18.12.2024 |
Inspection of fume cupboards and safety benches for Oslo University Hospital. | 18.12.2024 |
Endoscopic products for the health companies in Helse Sør-Øst, Helse-Midt Norge and Helse Nord. | 17.12.2024 |
HPV-test and analysis platform for health companies in Norway | 17.12.2024 |
Disposable Equipment for Heart Surgery (supplies) | 17.12.2024 |
Human DNA quantification kit for the Department of Forensic Sciences at Oslo University Hospital. | 17.12.2024 |
Chemicals for pathology – Part 2 of the Health Trusts in the South-East | 17.12.2024 |
Contract award - Sample taking equipment and consumables for microbiology for the health authorities in The South Eastern Regional Health Authority. | 17.12.2024 |
Endoscopy equipment for Sjukehuset Nordmøre and Romsdal (scissor no. 2023/730) | 16.12.2024 |
Market survey: Closed Loop Medication System with Unit Dose Dispensing in Oslo university Hospital (OUS) | 16.12.2024 |
Contract award: Surgical gloves for the health authorities in Helse Midt-Norway | 13.12.2024 |
Sterile pulleys to medical equipment for the companies in Helse Vest | 13.12.2024 |
Contract award: Knee prostheses and orthopaedic suction/flushing - HMN | 13.12.2024 |
Blood gas instruments and reagents for Sørlandet Hospital | 13.12.2024 |
Hysteroscopy equipment with morcellator for HMR, Ålesund | 12.12.2024 |
Contract award: Wound treatment products to the hospitals in Helse Midt-Norway | 12.12.2024 |
Passing endoscope washing machines and drying cabinets to Ringerike Hospital | 12.12.2024 |
Various consumables within anaesthesia, treatment aids and intensive care for the health companies in Helse Vest. | 12.12.2024 |
Temperature indicators for blood bags, Health South-East | 12.12.2024 |
Analgesic apparatus for Sykehuset Telemark HF | 12.12.2024 |
Tubeless/nearly tubeless insulin pumps (AID) for healthcare institutions in Norway | 12.12.2024 |
Prior information notice: General laboratory products - Part 2 to the health authorities in The South Eastern Regional Health Authority | 11.12.2024 |
Prior information notice: Infusion and transfusion products | 11.12.2024 |
Intention notice: Endoscopy rack for bowel screening for Helgeland Hospital. | 11.12.2024 |
Intention notice: Endoscopy rack for bowel screening for Finnmark Hospital, Kirkenes | 10.12.2024 |
Contract award: Clay products made of soft material for operations for the companies in Helse Vest | 9.12.2024 |
Contract award: Break material for the health authorities in Helse Sør-Øst | 9.12.2024 |
Decontaminator/flushing vehicle for the sterile centre, Moss Hospital. | 5.12.2024 |
Prior information notice: Patient close quick tests to the health authorities in The South-East Health Authority. | 5.12.2024 |
Contract award: General laboratory products to the health authorities in Helse Sør-Øst | 4.12.2024 |
Contract award: Mobile x-ray apparatus for the Injury Outpatients Clinic at Helse Bergen HF. | 4.12.2024 |
Transcutaneous meters for Helse Bergen HF | 4.12.2024 |
Respirator for home use for Helse Sør-Øst | New notice | 4.12.2024 |
Central vein catheters, venous gates and needles for the enterprises in Helse Vest | 3.12.2024 |
Consumables patient monitoring, patient heat, blood and fluid heaters for the health authorities in Helse Midt-Norway | 3.12.2024 |
Hearing: ECG devices for Helse Vest RHF | 29.11.2024 |
Market dialogue infusion, transfusion and fixation products for the companies in Helse Vest. | 28.11.2024 |
Hearing: ECG devices for Helse Vest RHF | 27.11.2024 |
Prior information notice: Various consumables within anaesthesia, treatment aids and intensive care for the health authorities in Helse Vest and Haraldsplass. | 21.11.2024 |
Supplier conference for invasive pressure sets for adults and children. | 20.11.2024 |
Voluntary ex ante transparency notice: Equipment for indirect calorimetry for Helse Stavanger HF | 18.11.2024 |
Scanners for a digital pathology system for the health authorities in Helse Nord | 15.11.2024 |
Intention notice: Portable ultra-low field MR for Helse Stavanger HF | 15.11.2024 |
Respirator for home use for Helse Sør-Øst | 15.11.2024 |
Transcutaneous meters for Helse Bergen HF | 12.11.2024 |
Aferese machines for HMR/SNR, second publication | 12.11.2024 |
Incontinence products for the health trusts in Norway | 11.11.2024 |
Prior information notice, hygiene products, disinfectants and dispenser products for the health companies in Norway | 11.11.2024 |
Peritonealdialysis equipment and fluids for the health authorities in Norway | 11.11.2024 |
Vacuum treatment of wounds to the health authorities in Helse Midt-Norway | 8.11.2024 |
Intention notice - Integrated theatres and endoscopic equipment for Nordland Hospital. | 8.11.2024 |
Prior information notice, nutrition pumps for the health authorities in Norway | 8.11.2024 |
Child masks, portable suction and consumables for suction for the health trusts in Norway | 7.11.2024 |
Specific reagents for STR Amplification at Forensic Sciences for Oslo University Hospital. | 7.11.2024 |
Instrument dependent consumables for CADD pumps in Helse Vest RHF - Contract signing with OneMed AS | 6.11.2024 |
Invitation to market dialogue - Videolaryngoscope system | 6.11.2024 |
Invitation to market survey: Microwave aggregation generator for Helse Stavanger HF | 5.11.2024 |
System for digital home follow-up of patients for NLSH HF with co-operating municipalities. | 5.11.2024 |
Prior information notice gypsum, orthosis and crutches for the health authorities in Norway | 31.10.2024 |
Contract award: General surgical basic instruments for the companies in Helse Vest | 31.10.2024 |
Intention notice: Pumped indicated infusion and transfusion sets for Alari's infusion pump from Becton Dickinson AS | 30.10.2024 |
Intention notice: Pumped indicated infusion and transfusion set for Agilia Infusion pump from Fresenius Kabi AS | 30.10.2024 |
Invitation to market dialogue: Capsule endoscopy equipment for Helse Bergen HF | 30.10.2024 |
Physical supplier conference: Cannulas and catheters for epidural, spinal and regional anaesthesia and washing sets. | 25.10.2024 |
Prior information notice gypsum, orthosis and crutches for the health authorities in Norway | 25.10.2024 |
Prior information notice: Brokknett and fixation for the companies in Helse Sør-Øst | 24.10.2024 |
Hysteroscopy equipment for Levanger Hospital | 24.10.2024 |
Scope washing machines for Sørlandet Hospital. | 23.10.2024 |
Invitation to a market dialogue in connection with the procurement of a CT for the radiology department at Helse Bergen HF. | 22.10.2024 |
Intention notice: Instrument dependent consumables for Ulrich contrast injectors in Helse Vest RHF | 22.10.2024 |
Drainage system for pleura and peritoneal drainage | 21.10.2024 |
Herniamesh and fixation for the hospitals in Helse Sør-Øst | 18.10.2024 |
Fitness equipment for physio and ergo therapy for Helse Midt-Norway | 18.10.2024 |
Scales, standing, bed, chair and infant weights for the Health Trusts in Mid-Norway | 18.10.2024 |
Cellsaver to Helse Bergen HF | 14.10.2024 |
Ultrasound devices for the Radiological Department at Haugesund Hospital. | 14.10.2024 |
Supplier dialogue meeting - Wound drainage: Vacuum drainage, drainage with and without slugs and wave drains for Helse Midt-Norway and Helse Sør-Øst | 11.10.2024 |
Prior information notice 2 - Vacuum treatment of wounds to the health authorities in Helse Midt-Norway | 8.10.2024 |
Supplier conference, various equipment for intensive care; nutrition, ventricle and duodenal probes, time diuretic sets, foley catheters, PH indicator, bladder and spinal pressure sensors and temperature probes. | 8.10.2024 |
Procedure packages for the health authorities in Helse Nord | 7.10.2024 |
Prior information notice: Sutures, stapling machines and laparoscopic products to the Health Trusts in the South-Eastern Regional Health Authority. | 2.10.2024 |
Qualification: Procedure packages eye to Helse Fonna HF | 2.10.2024 |
Microscope: ICSI and inverted to the fertility centre at Helse Bergen HF. | 2.10.2024 |
Fume cupboards and safety benches for Oslo University Hospital. | 1.10.2024 |
Surgical microscope to St. Olavs Hospital. | 30.09.2024 |
Motorised rotary microtome for the health authorities in Helse Midt-Norway | 30.09.2024 |
Respiration consumables and general oxygen treatment: filter for respiration | 30.09.2024 |
Invitation to dialogue meetings on phototelle CT | 30.09.2024 |
Oral appliances for the health trusts in Norway | 30.09.2024 |
Contract award - ICT system for medicamental cancer treatment for The South-East Regional Health Authority. | 30.09.2024 |
Intention notice: Amendment contract - Blood gas instruments for Helse Bergen HF | 27.09.2024 |
Blood pressure apparatus NIBP, SpO2 and pulse for the health authorities in Helse Sør-Øst | 27.09.2024 |
Instrument for urine analyses including morphology and flow cytometry in Helse Møre og Romsdal. | 26.09.2024 |
Patient stretchers for Sjukehuset Nordmøre and Romsdal | 25.09.2024 |
Prior information notice: Eye implants, instruments and consumables for the companies in Helse Sør-Øst | 23.09.2024 |
Prior information notice: Urology products for the health authorities in Helse Sør-Øst | 20.09.2024 |
Prior information notice: Plates and tubes for the health authorities in Helse Sør-Øst | 19.09.2024 |
Market dialogue on Teams - Procedure packages and surgical coverage for the companies in Helse Midt-Norway | 19.09.2024 |
Prior information notice: Specific reagents for STR amplification for forensic sciences to Oslo University Hospital. | 19.09.2024 |
Procedure packages and surgical coverage for the companies in Helse Midt-Norway - prior information notice. | 19.09.2024 |
Conventional x-ray laboratory for the Injury Outpatients Clinic at Helse Bergen HF. | 19.09.2024 |
Wound treatment products for the companies in Helse Sør-Øst | 19.09.2024 |
CO2-laser St.Olavs Hospital | 19.09.2024 |
Transport respirators to Helse Bergen HF | 19.09.2024 |
Nutrition probes for newborns + peroral syringes for businesses in The Mid-Norway Health Trust. | 18.09.2024 |
Pressure-distribution mattresses, hire | 18.09.2024 |
Request for information: Transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation for the health trusts in Norway | 18.09.2024 |
Invitation to the 2nd Nordic market dialogue for ecolabelling of medical supplies - NIELS | 17.09.2024 |
Prior information notice: Chemicals for pathology - Part 2 of the health companies in the South Eastern Regional Health Authority. | 17.09.2024 |
Bronchoscopy consumables for the companies in Helse Sør-Øst | 17.09.2024 |
Defibrilators for Akershus University Hospital. | 16.09.2024 |
Qualification - Health West - Digital health service for following-up cancer patients | 12.09.2024 |
Conventional x-ray laboratory for the Injury Outpatients Clinic at Helse Bergen HF (Prequalification). | 11.09.2024 |
Prior information notice, consumables for heart-lung machines to Helse Bergen | 9.09.2024 |
Sag and drill for the health companies in Helse South-East: large bone with precision saw | 9.09.2024 |
Scope washing machines, ST240046-1. | 23.08.2024 |
Intention notice - consumables for sterile supplies, machine dependent cleaning agents from Getinge to the health authorities in Norway | 21.08.2024 |
Insulators for the production department at the Hospital Pharmacy in Bergen. | 21.08.2024 |
Respiration monitoring and general oxygen treatment for the companies in Helse Vest. | 20.08.2024 |
Osteosynthesis material for jaw and face surgery (CMF) - Helse Vest HF | 9.08.2024 |
Intention notice - Patient monitoring at the University Hospital of North Norway Health Trust. | 12.07.2024 |
PET injection robot to St. Olavs hospital. | 12.07.2024 |
Instrument for automated titration of blood type antibodies against A/B, with associated instrument dependent consumables. | 9.07.2024 |
Heating cabinets and incubators for SNR HMR | 9.07.2024 |
Framework agreement EEG for Helse Midt-Norway- Qualification phase. | 9.07.2024 |
Eye consumables for Helse Bergen HF | 3.07.2024 |
Positioning products, disposable, for the companies in Helse Sør-Øst | 1.07.2024 |
Ultrasound apparatus for echocardiography, Helgeland Hospital. | 26.06.2024 |
Intubation equipment for Helse Førde HF | 26.06.2024 |
Aferese machines for HMR/SNR | 26.06.2024 |
Surgical tables for Universitetsykehuset Nord-Norway HF, new Narvik hospital. | 17.06.2024 |
Peripheral vein cannulas for the health authorities in Helse Vest | 15.06.2024 |
Ultrasound devices for the Womens Clinic at Helse Stavanger HF | 15.06.2024 |
Procedure packs (CPT) for central venous catheters for the hospitals in Helse Sør-Øst | 11.06.2024 |
Ultrasound devices for department operation/anaesthesia at Odda hospital. | 11.06.2024 |
MR for the Proton Centre at Helse Bergen HF - Contract signing with Siemens Healthcare AS | 11.06.2024 |
CT for the Proton Centre at Helse Bergen HF - Contract signing with Siemens Healthcare AS | 8.06.2024 |
CT for the Radiology Department at Helse Bergen HF - Contract signing with Philips Norge AS | 8.06.2024 |
Blood bank cabinets for SNR/HMR | 8.06.2024 |
Intention notice: Instrument for purification of DNA - St. Olavs Hospital. | 5.06.2024 |
Saw and drill with equipment dependent consumables for the health authorities in Helse Sør-Øst | 23.05.2024 |
Sample taking equipment and consumables for microbiology for the health authorities in Helse Sør-Øst. Part 2. | 16.05.2024 |
Intention announcement: Consumables for contrast injector, the companies in Helse Nord RHF | 16.05.2024 |
Intention notice: Instrument specific antibodies to immunohistochemical colour machine -St. Olavs hospital HF | 16.05.2024 |
Advance announcement: spirometry equipment for the University Hospital of North Norway. | 11.05.2024 |
Advance announcement: spirometry equipment for the University Hospital of North Norway. | 11.05.2024 |
Intubation equipment for Helse Førde HF | 5.05.2024 |
ByggHgsd2020 BT2-1.04 - Procurement of decontaminators for washing and flushing for Helse Fonna HF | 1.05.2024 |
Flowmeter to Vestre Viken HF | 29.04.2024 |
Phaco machines for The Hospital Innlandet | 29.04.2024 |
Anaesthesia apparatus for Helgeland hospital. | 20.04.2024 |
Surgical clothing, department clothing, patient and visitor clothing, hijab and coloscopy trousers for the companies in Helse Midt-Norway and Helse Nord. | 20.04.2024 |
Eye equipment, Nordmøre Hospital and Romsdal. | 20.04.2024 |
Qualification: Procedure packages for radiology and cardiology for the health authorities in Helse Vest | 20.04.2024 |
Echo sound apparatuses for Helse Fonna HF | 20.04.2024 |
Thuliumlaser to Ålesund Hospital, Saksnr. 2023/1808 | 20.04.2024 |
Framework agreement call-off centres/ceiling columns HMN | 20.04.2024 |
Fracture material hand, including. K-wire for the health companies in Helse Vest | 20.04.2024 |
Patient monitoring for the New Hammerfest Hospital | 20.04.2024 |
Notice of intent: Clay equipment for trendelenburg position-trendguard and disposable hip pads, hip-fix hip-fix | 20.04.2024 |
Radiology consumables for neuro intervention to Helse Bergen and Helse Stavanger. | 20.04.2024 |
Haematology/SR/HbA1c-instrumentation for HMR | 20.04.2024 |
Intra operative CT/picture system for Health thrust in Bergen (Helse Bergen HF) | 20.04.2024 |
Ultrasound spirator with consumables for Oslo and Haukland University Hospital. | 20.04.2024 |
Blood bag pooling set for thrombocytes with storage bag and connection for buffycoat to HMN | 20.04.2024 |
Hygiene products - prehumidged cloths (washing without water) with and without chlorinated rhebraxidine | 20.04.2024 |
Arthroscopy rack with shavers and pumps for Helse Stavanger HF | 20.04.2024 |
Blood gas syringes for the health authorities in Helse Midt-Norway | 20.04.2024 |
Analgesic apparatus with consumables for the New UNN Narvik and New Hammerfest Hospital | 20.04.2024 |
Regional tender for Purchase of anaesthetic columns HMN (new notice). | 20.04.2024 |
Bilevel PAP, CPAP, masks, nebulizers, suction units and coughing assist machines for the Norwegian Health Trusts. | 20.04.2024 |
Award: Sterile gloves for the health authorities in Helse Vest | 20.04.2024 |
Contract award: Mobile C-arms for Helse Bergen HF, Helse Stavanger HF, Helse Fonna HF and Helse Førde HF. | 20.04.2024 |
Dako Omnis from Agilent | 20.04.2024 |
Prior information notice: Prequalification for the angiography laboratory for the University Hospital of North Norway. | 20.04.2024 |
Wound treatment with negative pressure to the health authorities in Helse Vest | 20.04.2024 |
Intra operative CT/picture system for Helse Bergen HF | 20.04.2024 |
Aferese machine with accompanying sets, buffycoattrombocyte sets without associated equipment, child blood bags, sample taking bags and transfer bags for the companies in Helse Vest. | 20.04.2024 |
Bilevel PAP, CPAP, masks, nebulizers, suction units and coughing assist machines for the Norwegian Health Trusts. | 20.04.2024 |
Water treatment plant for dialysis for Helgeland Hospital. | 20.04.2024 |
Capsule dose copy for Vestre Viken HF | 20.04.2024 |
Humidifiers and equipment specific tube sets for Helse Stavanger HF | 20.04.2024 |
Blood and fluid heaters for the companies in Helse Nord RHF | 20.04.2024 |
Fusion technology for ultrasound apparatus for Helse Stavanger HF | 20.04.2024 |
Laparoscopy rack Gyn for Innlandet Hospital | 20.04.2024 |
TEM rack for Helse Stavanger HF | 20.04.2024 |
Cannulas for open heart surgery and ECMO, pacemaker electrodes for external pacemakers and haemoconsentrator sets for Helse Bergen. | 20.04.2024 |
Intention notice: Kit for pre-implantation genetic testing (PGT) at the Department for Medical Genetics at Oslo University Hospital. | 20.04.2024 |
Transcutaneous PCo2 meters for St. Olavs Hospital | 20.04.2024 |
Intention notice: Fusion technology for ultrasound apparatus for Helse Stavanger HF | 20.04.2024 |
Wound therapy units with consumables for vacuum treatment of wounds for the companies in The South Eastern Regional Health Authority. | 20.04.2024 |
Voluntary ex ante transparency notice: OCT machine for Helse Stavanger HF | 20.04.2024 |
Hire of contrast injector for the heart department at Helse Bergen HF | 20.04.2024 |
Ice bandage for the health companies in Helse Sør-Øst | 20.04.2024 |
Intention notice: G-arm to Akershus University Hospital. | 20.04.2024 |
Voluntary ex ante transparency notice: TEM rack for Helse Stavanger HF | 20.04.2024 |
Procurement of diathermy apparatus and smoke suction - North Norway Regional Health Authority. | 20.04.2024 |
Biobank 2D barcode tubes for Oslo University Hospital. | 20.04.2024 |
Diathermy - consumables (supplies) | 20.04.2024 |
Analgesiapparat for Akershus universitetssykehus HF | 20.04.2024 |
Contract award: Sample collection equipment for blood, urine and faeces for the South Eastern Regional Health Authorities | 20.04.2024 |
Hydrasys electropheresis instruments for HMR | 20.04.2024 |
Treatment of urine leakage at the centres of the North Health Authority, Mid-Norway Regional Health Authority and The South-East Health Authority. | 20.04.2024 |
Vaccination equipment for pandemic for the Norwegian Directorate of Health | 20.04.2024 |
Analgesic apparatuses for Helse Stavanger HF | 20.04.2024 |
MTU: Audiometer, tympanometer and REM for Helse Bergen HF | 20.04.2024 |
Fixation products, compresses and spum for the enterprises in Helse Midt Norge | 20.04.2024 |
Heart valves and rings for the health companies in Norway. | 20.04.2024 |
A through endoscope washing machine to Kongsberg Hospital. | 20.04.2024 |
Consumables for radiology for the health authorities in Helse Vest | 20.04.2024 |
Pressure-advantaged mattresses, hire | 20.04.2024 |
MR 3T for the Proton Centre at Helse Bergen HF (Prequalification). | 20.04.2024 |
CT for the Proton Centre at Helse Bergen HF (Prequalification). | 20.04.2024 |
Intention notice - Wireless ECG for Sørlandet Hospital. | 20.04.2024 |
Draft: ENT Treatment unit for Sørlandet Hospital Health Trust. | 20.04.2024 |
New: Autoclaves for the University Hospital of North Norway | 20.04.2024 |
Prior information notice: Angio intervention laboratory, monoplane and biplane, The University Hospital of North Norway. | 20.04.2024 |
Cords for the hospital signalling systems, the health authorities in Helse Sør-Øst | 20.04.2024 |
ENT - Consumables for Helse Vest | 20.04.2024 |
Patient monitoring and telemetry for the New Narvik Hospital. | 20.04.2024 |
Qualification: Procedure packages eye to Helse Bergen HF | 20.04.2024 |
Contract award: Consumables for EEG, ENG, EMG and ECT for the companies in Helse Vest. | 20.04.2024 |
Contrast injector with consumables for Helse Bergen HF | 20.04.2024 |
EWS monitors to Ahus HF | 20.04.2024 |
Contract award: Bronchoscope single-use for the health trusts in Helse Sør-Øst | 20.04.2024 |
OCT machine for Helse Stavanger HF | 20.04.2024 |
An automated system for indirect immunofluorescance and ELISA analyses with instrument dependent consumables for Helse Stavanger HF. | 20.04.2024 |
Qualification: Procedure packages for surgery for Helse Førde | 20.04.2024 |
2 atk Cobas Pure - St. Olavs Hospital | 20.04.2024 |
Anaesthesia apparatuses for Helse Stavanger HF | 20.04.2024 |
Intention notice CTG to the University Hospital of North Norway. | 20.04.2024 |
Universal blood gas syringes with cannula for the health authorities in Helse Midt-Norway | 20.04.2024 |
Intention notice - consumables for sterile supplies, machine dependent cleaning agents from Wassenburg to Helse Sør-Øst, Helse Midt-Norge and Helse Nord. | 20.04.2024 |
CT for the Radiological Department at Helse Bergen HF (Prequalification). | 20.04.2024 |
Flowmeter to Vestre Viken HF | 20.04.2024 |
Procurement of non-invasive thermometers for Helse Midt-Norge, Helse Sør-Øst and Helse Nord. | 20.04.2024 |
Capsule dose copy for Vestre Viken HF | 20.04.2024 |
HPV-test and analysis platform for health companies in Norway. | 20.04.2024 |
Intention notice: Instrument for fully automatic blood processing, Innlandet Hospital. | 20.04.2024 |
Intention notice: Equipment consumables for Thopaz thorax drainage system | 20.04.2024 |
Intention notice: Contrast injector with consumables for Helse Bergen HF | 20.04.2024 |
Voluntary ex ante transparency notice: Nellcor SpO2 consumables for Helse Vest | 20.04.2024 |
GridION from Welding Nanopore to St. Olavs Hospital | 20.04.2024 |
Hemostasis agents for the companies in Helse Vest | 20.04.2024 |
Leiringsprodukter av mykt materiale for operasjon til foretakene i Helse Vest | 20.04.2024 |