Central vein catheters, venous gates and needles for the enterprises in Helse Vest Szacowana wartość 20,000,000 NOK
Rodzaj pracy Materiały medyczne
Znajdź więcej przetargów podobnych do tego Kody CPV:
Urządzenia medyczne, farmaceutyki i produkty do pielęgnacji ciała
Materiały medyczne
Podsumowanie Helse Vest RHF seeks tenders for 30 sub-contracts for supplies related to procedure packages for SVK insertion and Picc-line/midline insertion. Maximum two parallel tenders are allowed for sub-contracts 1, 2, and 13. The contract duration is 24 months. The maximum value is +20% of the estimated volume. Product samples are due by the tender deadline, with exceptions for sub-contracts 1, 2, and 13 (due 06.01.25).
Opis Fusce ut elit ac risus luctus vehicula quis vitae risus. Nunc sollicitudin consectetur justo a eleifend. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque tincidunt vestibulum vulputate. Fusce ut elit ac risus luctus vehicula quis vitae risus. Nam pharetra aliquet erat a finibus. Curabitur finibus ipsum quis sem feugiat mattis. In aliquam volutpat mauris non mollis. Nunc sollicitudin consectetur justo a eleifend. Nam sapien nisl, eleifend sit amet justo ac, placerat cursus erat. Nunc sollicitudin consectetur justo a eleifend. Curabitur finibus ipsum quis sem feugiat mattis. Mauris volutpat sapien orci, eget aliquet purus aliquet at. Mauris volutpat sapien orci, eget aliquet purus aliquet at. In aliquam volutpat mauris non mollis. Phasellus orci lorem, rutrum sed ante finibus, sagittis accumsan elit. Nunc sollicitudin consectetur justo a eleifend. Nunc sollicitudin consectetur justo a eleifend. Phasellus orci lorem, rutrum sed ante finibus, sagittis accumsan elit. Phasellus orci lorem, rutrum sed ante finibus, sagittis accumsan elit. Nam sapien nisl, eleifend sit amet justo ac, placerat cursus erat. Etiam suscipit justo tincidunt volutpat feugiat. Nam pharetra aliquet erat a finibus. Mauris volutpat sapien orci, eget aliquet purus aliquet at. Mauris volutpat sapien orci, eget aliquet purus aliquet at. Fusce ut elit ac risus luctus vehicula quis vitae risus. Etiam suscipit justo tincidunt volutpat feugiat. Norwegia
Czas trwania: Nunc sollicitudin consectetur
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Osoba kontaktowa:
Maecenas euismod arcu ac eros lobortis tincidunt. Sed quis vehicula sapien, et dictum odio. Nulla facilisi. Nunc aliquet dui eget sem posuere lobortis. Curabitur eu pulvinar augue. Ut pharetra placerat metus commodo imperdiet. Nunc id pharetra nunc, in facilisis magna. Vivamus laoreet odio faucibus velit rutrum, eget vulputate turpis molestie. Fusce commodo convallis mi ut pulvinar. In quis leo sed nibh dictum interdum. Nam a mattis neque. Vestibulum commodo odio velit, et lobortis lectus interdum at. Maecenas a posuere purus. Maecenas rhoncus lacus vel ligula lobortis bibendum.
Aenean sed purus scelerisque, blandit felis vitae, consequat turpis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec finibus porttitor sem sit amet pulvinar. Maecenas efficitur scelerisque placerat. Vivamus et vehicula lacus, et sodales enim. Phasellus tempor nisi eget elit tincidunt, vitae congue mauris tincidunt. Fusce gravida consectetur blandit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Quisque auctor mi id est ultrices, at venenatis massa tempus. Ut ornare consequat neque, ac venenatis tellus faucibus vitae. Etiam imperdiet urna vel egestas suscipit. Phasellus finibus purus dolor, et elementum quam auctor ac. Nunc id mauris eu nulla convallis semper.
Maecenas lectus orci, volutpat quis est nec, convallis malesuada nisi. Phasellus vel massa egestas libero ullamcorper consectetur et et magna. Etiam justo justo, dignissim molestie mattis id, placerat ut ante. Phasellus accumsan maximus purus ac tristique. Vestibulum convallis dui sed pellentesque bibendum. Sed blandit enim erat, eget iaculis nunc faucibus mollis. Duis et nibh vel sapien hendrerit sagittis. Ut non libero feugiat, maximus arcu tempus, interdum purus. Nunc fringilla, mi sed aliquet convallis, eros nisl euismod sem, ut finibus leo diam a ipsum. Aenean nec cursus metus. Vivamus congue orci sollicitudin, scelerisque sem eget, tincidunt nisl. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec iaculis sapien tincidunt scelerisque sodales. Nam sed tortor venenatis, placerat ligula nec, vestibulum lorem. Nunc facilisis rutrum magna posuere maximus.
Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Nam sapien nisl, eleifend sit amet justo ac, placerat cursus erat.
Nam posuere velit sed nisi posuere, a molestie lorem aliquam.
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Quisque tincidunt vestibulum vulputate.
Quisque tincidunt vestibulum
Quisque tincidunt vestibulum
John Doe
Odpowiednie przetargi od SYKEHUSINNKJØP HF Intention notice: STAN consumables for Helse Bergen HF and Helse Stavanger HF. 30.01.2025
Set of covers and surgical coverings for the health authorities in Helse Nord 27.01.2025
Competition: Sutures, stapling machines and disposable laparoscopic equipment for the health companies in The South-East Health Authority. 27.01.2025
Incontinence products - Maternity pads, instillation catheters and dilatation catheters - for the health trusts in Norway 24.01.2025
Market survey - Chapter electrophoresis 22.01.2025
Procedure packages for the health authorities in Helse Midt-Norway 22.01.2025
Intention notice: Transfer adaptor for hooded glass and infusion containers from B Braun AS. 22.01.2025
Anaesthesia products for the health companies connected to Helse Nord 21.01.2025
Intention notice: Subcutaneous infusion sets for continuous subcutaneous drug delivery 21.01.2025
Gauze masks type IIR for a national stand-by warehouse in Norway 20.01.2025
Prior information notice: Hazardous waste disposal containers for the health authorities in Norway 17.01.2025
Audiometer, tympanometer and REM for Helse Bergen HF 15.01.2025
Prior information notice: Diathermy consumables for the hospitals in Helse Sør-Øst 14.01.2025
Contract award: Surgical helmets with accessories for the health authorities in Helse Sør-Øst and Helse Midt-Norway 9.01.2025
Competition: Treatment aids for gender insufficiency for the health authorities in Norway 9.01.2025
Competition: Vacuum drainage, fluted and non-flutet drains and open silicone drains (Penrose) for Helse Midt-Norway and Helse Sør-Øst 7.01.2025
Prior information notice: Subcutaneous infusion sets for the administration of medicines. 6.01.2025
Competition: Urology products for the hospitals in Helse Sør-Øst 6.01.2025
Competition: Hernia mesh and fixation for the hospitals in Helse Sør-Øst (the south-east healthregion) 30.12.2024
Competition: Hemostasis products for the hospitals in Helse Sør-Øst (the south-east health region) 30.12.2024
Instrument dependent consumables for Ulrich contrast injectors in Helse Vest RHF - Contract signing with Infiniti Medical AS 23.12.2024
Hygiene products - infection protection for the health authorities in Norway 20.12.2024
Utsædsinstrument for Sykehuset Innlandet HF 20.12.2024
Hygiene products - infection protection for the health authorities in Norway 20.12.2024
Intention notice: Spray rack for Helse Stavanger HF 20.12.2024
Intention notice: Closed system for the collection, storage, testing and distribution of breast milk. 19.12.2024
Prior information notice, hygiene products, disinfectants and dispenser products for the health companies in Norway 19.12.2024
Prior information notice: Cannulas and catheters for epidural, spinal and regional anaesthesia and washing sets for the health authorities in Helse Vest. 19.12.2024
Contract award - Sample taking equipment and consumables for microbiology for the health authorities in The South Eastern Regional Health Authority. 17.12.2024
Endoscopic products for the health companies in Helse Sør-Øst, Helse-Midt Norge and Helse Nord. 17.12.2024
Chemicals for pathology – Part 2 of the Health Trusts in the South-East 17.12.2024
Human DNA quantification kit for the Department of Forensic Sciences at Oslo University Hospital. 17.12.2024
Disposable Equipment for Heart Surgery (supplies) 17.12.2024
Sterile pulleys to medical equipment for the companies in Helse Vest 13.12.2024
Contract award: Surgical gloves for the health authorities in Helse Midt-Norway 13.12.2024
Blood gas instruments and reagents for Sørlandet Hospital 13.12.2024
Contract award: Knee prostheses and orthopaedic suction/flushing - HMN 13.12.2024
Temperature indicators for blood bags, Health South-East 12.12.2024
Contract award: Wound treatment products to the hospitals in Helse Midt-Norway 12.12.2024
Hysteroscopy equipment with morcellator for HMR, Ålesund 12.12.2024
Various consumables within anaesthesia, treatment aids and intensive care for the health companies in Helse Vest. 12.12.2024
Tubeless/nearly tubeless insulin pumps (AID) for healthcare institutions in Norway 12.12.2024
Prior information notice: General laboratory products - Part 2 to the health authorities in The South Eastern Regional Health Authority 11.12.2024
Prior information notice: Infusion and transfusion products 11.12.2024
Contract award: Clay products made of soft material for operations for the companies in Helse Vest 9.12.2024
Prior information notice: Patient close quick tests to the health authorities in The South-East Health Authority. 5.12.2024
Transcutaneous meters for Helse Bergen HF 4.12.2024
Contract award: General laboratory products to the health authorities in Helse Sør-Øst 4.12.2024
Consumables patient monitoring, patient heat, blood and fluid heaters for the health authorities in Helse Midt-Norway 3.12.2024
Market dialogue infusion, transfusion and fixation products for the companies in Helse Vest. 28.11.2024
Prior information notice: Various consumables within anaesthesia, treatment aids and intensive care for the health authorities in Helse Vest and Haraldsplass. 21.11.2024
Supplier conference for invasive pressure sets for adults and children. 20.11.2024
Aferese machines for HMR/SNR, second publication 12.11.2024
Transcutaneous meters for Helse Bergen HF 12.11.2024
Incontinence products for the health trusts in Norway 11.11.2024
Peritonealdialysis equipment and fluids for the health authorities in Norway 11.11.2024
Prior information notice, hygiene products, disinfectants and dispenser products for the health companies in Norway 11.11.2024
Prior information notice, nutrition pumps for the health authorities in Norway 8.11.2024
Vacuum treatment of wounds to the health authorities in Helse Midt-Norway 8.11.2024
Child masks, portable suction and consumables for suction for the health trusts in Norway 7.11.2024
Specific reagents for STR Amplification at Forensic Sciences for Oslo University Hospital. 7.11.2024
Instrument dependent consumables for CADD pumps in Helse Vest RHF - Contract signing with OneMed AS 6.11.2024
System for digital home follow-up of patients for NLSH HF with co-operating municipalities. 5.11.2024
Invitation to market survey: Microwave aggregation generator for Helse Stavanger HF 5.11.2024
Prior information notice gypsum, orthosis and crutches for the health authorities in Norway 31.10.2024
Contract award: General surgical basic instruments for the companies in Helse Vest 31.10.2024
Intention notice: Pumped indicated infusion and transfusion set for Agilia Infusion pump from Fresenius Kabi AS 30.10.2024
Intention notice: Pumped indicated infusion and transfusion sets for Alari's infusion pump from Becton Dickinson AS 30.10.2024
Prior information notice gypsum, orthosis and crutches for the health authorities in Norway 25.10.2024
Physical supplier conference: Cannulas and catheters for epidural, spinal and regional anaesthesia and washing sets. 25.10.2024
Prior information notice: Brokknett and fixation for the companies in Helse Sør-Øst 24.10.2024
Intention notice: Instrument dependent consumables for Ulrich contrast injectors in Helse Vest RHF 22.10.2024
Drainage system for pleura and peritoneal drainage 21.10.2024
Herniamesh and fixation for the hospitals in Helse Sør-Øst 18.10.2024
Supplier dialogue meeting - Wound drainage: Vacuum drainage, drainage with and without slugs and wave drains for Helse Midt-Norway and Helse Sør-Øst 11.10.2024
Supplier conference, various equipment for intensive care; nutrition, ventricle and duodenal probes, time diuretic sets, foley catheters, PH indicator, bladder and spinal pressure sensors and temperature probes. 8.10.2024
Prior information notice 2 - Vacuum treatment of wounds to the health authorities in Helse Midt-Norway 8.10.2024
Procedure packages for the health authorities in Helse Nord 7.10.2024
Prior information notice, Hygiene products, medical face masks, type IIR, for a national stand-by warehouse in Norway 4.10.2024
Qualification: Procedure packages eye to Helse Fonna HF 2.10.2024
Prior information notice: Sutures, stapling machines and laparoscopic products to the Health Trusts in the South-Eastern Regional Health Authority. 2.10.2024
Microscope: ICSI and inverted to the fertility centre at Helse Bergen HF. 2.10.2024
Motorised rotary microtome for the health authorities in Helse Midt-Norway 30.09.2024
Contract award - ICT system for medicamental cancer treatment for The South-East Regional Health Authority. 30.09.2024
Respiration consumables and general oxygen treatment: filter for respiration 30.09.2024
Intention notice: Amendment contract - Blood gas instruments for Helse Bergen HF 27.09.2024
Patient stretchers for Sjukehuset Nordmøre and Romsdal 25.09.2024
Prior information notice: Eye implants, instruments and consumables for the companies in Helse Sør-Øst 23.09.2024
Prior information notice: Urology products for the health authorities in Helse Sør-Øst 20.09.2024
Prior information notice: Plates and tubes for the health authorities in Helse Sør-Øst 19.09.2024
Market dialogue on Teams - Procedure packages and surgical coverage for the companies in Helse Midt-Norway 19.09.2024
Prior information notice: Specific reagents for STR amplification for forensic sciences to Oslo University Hospital. 19.09.2024
Procedure packages and surgical coverage for the companies in Helse Midt-Norway - prior information notice. 19.09.2024
Wound treatment products for the companies in Helse Sør-Øst 19.09.2024
Transport respirators to Helse Bergen HF 19.09.2024
Nutrition probes for newborns + peroral syringes for businesses in The Mid-Norway Health Trust. 18.09.2024
Prior information notice: Chemicals for pathology - Part 2 of the health companies in the South Eastern Regional Health Authority. 17.09.2024
Bronchoscopy consumables for the companies in Helse Sør-Øst 17.09.2024
Prior information notice, consumables for heart-lung machines to Helse Bergen 9.09.2024
Intention notice - consumables for sterile supplies, machine dependent cleaning agents from Getinge to the health authorities in Norway 21.08.2024
Respiration monitoring and general oxygen treatment for the companies in Helse Vest. 20.08.2024
Instrument for automated titration of blood type antibodies against A/B, with associated instrument dependent consumables. 9.07.2024
Heating cabinets and incubators for SNR HMR 9.07.2024
Eye consumables for Helse Bergen HF 3.07.2024
Positioning products, disposable, for the companies in Helse Sør-Øst 1.07.2024
Ultrasound apparatus for echocardiography, Helgeland Hospital. 26.06.2024
Aferese machines for HMR/SNR 26.06.2024
Surgical tables for Universitetsykehuset Nord-Norway HF, new Narvik hospital. 17.06.2024
Peripheral vein cannulas for the health authorities in Helse Vest 15.06.2024
Ultrasound devices for the Womens Clinic at Helse Stavanger HF 15.06.2024
Procedure packs (CPT) for central venous catheters for the hospitals in Helse Sør-Øst 11.06.2024
Ultrasound devices for department operation/anaesthesia at Odda hospital. 11.06.2024
MR for the Proton Centre at Helse Bergen HF - Contract signing with Siemens Healthcare AS 11.06.2024
CT for the Proton Centre at Helse Bergen HF - Contract signing with Siemens Healthcare AS 8.06.2024
CT for the Radiology Department at Helse Bergen HF - Contract signing with Philips Norge AS 8.06.2024
Blood bank cabinets for SNR/HMR 8.06.2024
Intention notice: Instrument for purification of DNA - St. Olavs Hospital. 5.06.2024
Sample taking equipment and consumables for microbiology for the health authorities in Helse Sør-Øst. Part 2. 16.05.2024
Intention notice: Instrument specific antibodies to immunohistochemical colour machine -St. Olavs hospital HF 16.05.2024
Surgical clothing, department clothing, patient and visitor clothing, hijab and coloscopy trousers for the companies in Helse Midt-Norway and Helse Nord. 20.04.2024
Eye equipment, Nordmøre Hospital and Romsdal. 20.04.2024
Qualification: Procedure packages for radiology and cardiology for the health authorities in Helse Vest 20.04.2024
Notice of intent: Clay equipment for trendelenburg position-trendguard and disposable hip pads, hip-fix hip-fix 20.04.2024
Radiology consumables for neuro intervention to Helse Bergen and Helse Stavanger. 20.04.2024
Haematology/SR/HbA1c-instrumentation for HMR 20.04.2024
Intra operative CT/picture system for Health thrust in Bergen (Helse Bergen HF) 20.04.2024
Ultrasound spirator with consumables for Oslo and Haukland University Hospital. 20.04.2024
Blood bag pooling set for thrombocytes with storage bag and connection for buffycoat to HMN 20.04.2024
Hygiene products - prehumidged cloths (washing without water) with and without chlorinated rhebraxidine 20.04.2024
Blood gas syringes for the health authorities in Helse Midt-Norway 20.04.2024
Analgesic apparatus with consumables for the New UNN Narvik and New Hammerfest Hospital 20.04.2024
Bilevel PAP, CPAP, masks, nebulizers, suction units and coughing assist machines for the Norwegian Health Trusts. 20.04.2024
Award: Sterile gloves for the health authorities in Helse Vest 20.04.2024
Dako Omnis from Agilent 20.04.2024
Wound treatment with negative pressure to the health authorities in Helse Vest 20.04.2024
Intra operative CT/picture system for Helse Bergen HF 20.04.2024
Bilevel PAP, CPAP, masks, nebulizers, suction units and coughing assist machines for the Norwegian Health Trusts. 20.04.2024
Water treatment plant for dialysis for Helgeland Hospital. 20.04.2024
Blood and fluid heaters for the companies in Helse Nord RHF 20.04.2024
Cannulas for open heart surgery and ECMO, pacemaker electrodes for external pacemakers and haemoconsentrator sets for Helse Bergen. 20.04.2024
Intention notice: Kit for pre-implantation genetic testing (PGT) at the Department for Medical Genetics at Oslo University Hospital. 20.04.2024
Wound therapy units with consumables for vacuum treatment of wounds for the companies in The South Eastern Regional Health Authority. 20.04.2024
Hire of contrast injector for the heart department at Helse Bergen HF 20.04.2024
Ice bandage for the health companies in Helse Sør-Øst 20.04.2024
Biobank 2D barcode tubes for Oslo University Hospital. 20.04.2024
Diathermy - consumables (supplies) 20.04.2024
Contract award: Sample collection equipment for blood, urine and faeces for the South Eastern Regional Health Authorities 20.04.2024
Hydrasys electropheresis instruments for HMR 20.04.2024
Treatment of urine leakage at the centres of the North Health Authority, Mid-Norway Regional Health Authority and The South-East Health Authority. 20.04.2024
Vaccination equipment for pandemic for the Norwegian Directorate of Health 20.04.2024
Analgesic apparatuses for Helse Stavanger HF 20.04.2024
MTU: Audiometer, tympanometer and REM for Helse Bergen HF 20.04.2024
Fixation products, compresses and spum for the enterprises in Helse Midt Norge 20.04.2024
Consumables for radiology for the health authorities in Helse Vest 20.04.2024
MR 3T for the Proton Centre at Helse Bergen HF (Prequalification). 20.04.2024
CT for the Proton Centre at Helse Bergen HF (Prequalification). 20.04.2024
Cords for the hospital signalling systems, the health authorities in Helse Sør-Øst 20.04.2024
Qualification: Procedure packages eye to Helse Bergen HF 20.04.2024
Contract award: Consumables for EEG, ENG, EMG and ECT for the companies in Helse Vest. 20.04.2024
Contrast injector with consumables for Helse Bergen HF 20.04.2024
Contract award: Bronchoscope single-use for the health trusts in Helse Sør-Øst 20.04.2024
Qualification: Procedure packages for surgery for Helse Førde 20.04.2024
Intention notice - consumables for sterile supplies, machine dependent cleaning agents from Wassenburg to Helse Sør-Øst, Helse Midt-Norge and Helse Nord. 20.04.2024
CT for the Radiological Department at Helse Bergen HF (Prequalification). 20.04.2024
Intention notice: Instrument for fully automatic blood processing, Innlandet Hospital. 20.04.2024
Intention notice: Equipment consumables for Thopaz thorax drainage system 20.04.2024
Voluntary ex ante transparency notice: Nellcor SpO2 consumables for Helse Vest 20.04.2024
GridION from Welding Nanopore to St. Olavs Hospital 20.04.2024
Hemostasis agents for the companies in Helse Vest 20.04.2024
Leiringsprodukter av mykt materiale for operasjon til foretakene i Helse Vest 20.04.2024
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