Search EU Tenders using AI For Free!

Finding and bidding on public tenders in the EU is complex and time-consuming, leading to overlooked opportunities. simplifies the tender discovery and bidding process with AI-driven insights, ensuring you never miss an opportunity and always submit your best bid.
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Unlock Your Tender Potential

Explore how streamlines your path to winning tenders with cutting-edge AI technology, tailored to your business needs.

Fast, AI-backed tender search

Begin your journey with our lightning-fast AI search capabilities. Dive into a comprehensive database of EU tenders, intelligently filtered to meet your specific needs. Our platform ensures you spend less time searching and more time focusing on opportunities that matter.

Precision matching for Your organization

Coming soon
Tailor your search with unparalleled precision. Describe your organization’s profile or upload relevant documents, and let our AI engine do the rest. It learns about your business to match you with the most relevant tenders, ensuring a perfect fit for your services and capabilities.

Enhanced proposal creation with AI

Coming soon
Elevate your tender proposals to new heights. Benefit from our custom-trained AI that knows the ins and outs of creating winning proposals. With insights drawn from successful tenders and industry best practices, our platform guides you in crafting compelling submissions that stand out.

Timely email notifications & insightful analytics

Coming soon
Stay ahead with personalized email notifications delivering the best matching tenders directly to your inbox. Our platform doesn't just connect you with opportunities; it also provides deep analytics on tender trends, your bidding history, and success rates. Armed with these insights, you can refine your strategy, improve your proposals, and increase your chances of winning.

Transparent Pricing, Tailored Solutions

Access a €2 trillion EU public procurement market and save up to 50% on costs compared to manual tender searching and application processes, with a plan that fits your needs.
Free in Beta
While we're hard at work building our platform, you can use it for free. We will announce pricing tiers (that will include a free tier) at a later stage.
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