Tender Discovery, Reimagined.
€1,068 / billed yearly.
Find over 700,000 opportunities across Europe
Search tenders in any language
Get personalized email reports based on prompts, not just keywords
Emails based on full documentation (Deep Research)
Save time with brief tender summaries
Save and manage tenders effortlessly
Premium support and consultations
AI Copilot for Tenders.
€2,388 / billed yearly.
Copilot with preloaded tender documentation
Instant Q&A on every tender page
Automated qualification & analysis workflows
Ask AI to generate tasks and list all requirements
Personalize Copilot with information about your organisation
Translate tender documentation (coming soon)
Everything in Premium
Custom solutions for large organizations.
Custom Integrations with ERP, CRM, SRM, etc.
Unlimited Seats
Market Analytics
Competitor Tracking
API Access
SAML Authentication & ISO 27001
On-call Support & SLAs
Everything in Premium and Copilot